Monday, March 28, 2011

My role

TC group had a meeting about the college life on the 17th of March 2011. It was held in room W113 at Abudhabi Men's College. We were a group of 5, a Cheerleader, Note taker and three attendees.
As a cheerleader, I called for this meeting to discuss about the college life and to come up with some motive solutions that would help our students to achieve their goals. Meeting started at 16:00 and finished within 20 minutes. We tried to put some ideas and see different opinions. Mainly, my role was to ask what the members think about this issue and listen to them. They were prepared well and came up with some good solutions that might help our college to be a successful one in the area.
When the meeting was over, i asked the note taker to send our suggestions and ideas to the academic serves manager. Finally the meeting was useful and went well, all members were participating in a wise way and useful way. After all we met our objectives by finding suitable ideas which hopefully will be implemented soon Then, I asked for another meeting, which will be held on 27th of March 2011 for farther discussions.

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