Sunday, June 5, 2011

Reflective Loge and communicative Skills

Reflective Log:

This course has been very helpful to me, when I first started this course, I was shy to stand in front of the class and give a presentation, but now with all this effort I put in this course and the help of my teacher, I’m now able to stand in front of many people and give a presentation about any subject. It also helped me to manage my work by establishing a suitable meeting with clear agendas. All these experience allowed me to be more confident in front of any audience and also improved my English skills.
Body gestures and clear voice were some of the most important things that were improved about my presentation in this course.

Communicative Skills:
Confidence, time management, English and presentation skills were the most important skills I have improved myself in. giving a good presentation in front of a big audience makes me feel good and proud from what I achieved.
Job Interviews, meeting and lectures are some of the places I could use the new skills I have learned would be job. Also I could use it in everyday life.
My biggest challenges in formal communications were how to start the presentation and how to let my body gestures meet the requirement of the subject.
More practice would help me to improve my presentation skills in order to achieve my goal to be a good presenter. Attending more presentations and see how other present and learn from them would also help me improve mine.

Formal Presentation Report

On the 22nd of May I attended a presentation in T005 by Mr. Abdulaziz Al Ali (H00161056) at 14:20
 Abdulaziz was discussing the human pollution and how it’s affecting the marine life.
It was long presentation which took about 8 minutes. During the presentation, Abdulaziz voice was so clear and hearable. Also he managed to keep an excellent eye contact with the audience, which made them feel interesting about the subject.
It seems that he learned so much about presentation skills He got experienced in this area by accepting the comments and tries to improve his skill. There is a big improvement between this presentation and the previous one. He managed to cover everything in this presentation.
Overall, Abdulaziz was a quite good presenter. Despite the long time he took to present, everything else was excellent, especially the story he mentioned at the beginning of his presentation.
Finally, I’d like to thanks Mr. Abdulaziz for his interesting presentation, and I hope his message will spread around the world, and people will start to save our ocean.